space space

Mike Bennighof

Designer:Mike Bennighof

Published games

Airborne2001Avalanche PressMike Bennighof
Brian L. Knipple
Arctic Front2002Avalanche PressMike BennighofBoard 
Black Sea Fleet1991Pacific Rim PublishingMike BennighofRPG 
Blood on the Snow1995Avalanche PressMike BennighofWarDecisive Battles of World War II
Bomb Alley2003Avalanche PressMike BennighofWarSecond World War at Sea
Desert Rats2004Avalanche PressMike BennighofWar 
Forgotten Axis: The Finnish Campaigns Decision Games
Strategy and Tactics
Mike BennighofWarS&T
Napoleon in the Desert2002Avalanche PressMike BennighofWarEagles of the Empire
The Great War at Sea I - The Mediterranean1996Avalanche PressMike BennighofWarGreat War at Sea

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